Upon the introduction of the Newburyport Preservation Trust Quarterly News in 2013, the plan included maintaining an accessible newsletter archive. Go ahead, collect ’em all! You’ll be even more informed about NPT’s efforts to preserve the city’s varied architectural assets and neighborhood ambience.
Please feel free to share the links and/or the PDF files with interested friends and neighbors — and then encourage them to join us via our Membership page.
For up-to-date information on the most immediate preservation issues (like when members need to speak up at city board meetings … or stand in front of bulldozers), stay up-to-date by visiting the Newburyport Preservation Trust at Facebook: www.facebook.com/newburyportpreservationtrust.
NPT Quarterly News, Fall 2022. In this issue: New interpretive panels at William Lloyd Garrison birthplace; Regulation of short-term rentals exposes clash of profiteers vs. neighborhoods; Custom House gets NPT bronze plaque; ZBA denies massive shed dormer on First Period house; Great gift idea:If This House Could Talk- 2022 edition; W.L. Garrison lecture to feature Prof. Kabria Baumgartner; This Old House TV series features Oakland St. home; and Coming soon: A newly-conceived NPT newsletter.
NPT Quarterly News, Summer 2022. In this issue: Preservation Week returns in-person to standing-room-only crowds; "If This House Could Talk" featured at Yankee Homecoming; Bank expansion approved after reconstituted Planning Board reverses prior decision; "If This Block Could Talk" --- A marvelous idea!; "NBPT@3mph" articles now on Facebook; and Newburyport now has something in common with Paris.
NPT Quarterly News, Spring 2022. In this issue: Preservation Week is back!!! This year's industrial history theme: "The Mills of Newburyport: The Dream That Ran Out of Steam."; City Council votes to send bank expansion plan back to the Planning Board for reconsideration; NPT board receives Asset Builder Award; Temple Ahavas Achim offers architectural tour on May 15; and Passion? Vision? Energy? The Newburyport Preservation Trust board needsyou!
NPT Quarterly News, Winter 2022. In this issue: Deteriorating Fowle's sign has become a symbol ... But a symbol of what?; NPT Annual Meeting scheduled for Feb. 27, 2022; Preservation advocacy notes: Tiny tidbits of tentative good news; W.L. Garrison Lecture addressed the imperative of facing up to the legacy of white supremacy; and Preservation Week 2022 --- It's a definite "maybe."
NPT Quarterly News, Fall 2021. In this issue: NPT's new Historic House Buyer's Guide informs new homeowner-stewards; Preservation advocacy update; Historic House Plaque Program update --- and a new interactive map; annual William Lloyd Garrison Lecture Dec. 10; Massachusetts Preservation Conference; and Words not necessary (a fall scene on Winter Street).
NPT Quarterly News, Summer 2021. In this issue: Preservation advocacy update; Powder House Park & Learning Center public programs (... in a brief summer window of normalcy); "If This House Could Talk" 2021 garners rave reviews; a reminder to question candidates on preservation policy; and a record-setting NPT Facebook post by a social media averse old guy.
NPT Quarterly News, Spring 2021. In this issue: Two challenges seek to invalidate Newburyport's Downtown Overlay District (DOD) pro-preservation law; a brief history of the city's pro-preservation zoning ordinances; the Fowle's storefront and sign issue: It's also about people and public memory; and Bill Harris (1941-1981) --- A major force in Newburyport's waterfront preservation.
NPT Quarterly News, Winter 2021. In this issue: Hundreds attend William Lloyd Garrison online lecture sponsored by NPT's Next Generation Preservationists; NPT Annual Meeting set for Feb. 28; Preservation Week update; Harrison St. zoning violation results in a reduced penalty; NPT seeks CPA funding for interpretive panels for W.L. Garrison birthplace; and preservation notes from beyond our city.
NPT Quarterly News, Fall 2020. In this issue: Zoning violations at 12-14 Harrison Street focus attention on city's monitoring and enforcement; a milestone for NPT's Historic House Plaque Program; William Lloyd Garrison lecture sponsored by NPT's Next Generation Preservationists; and two book reviews: If This House Could Talk 2020 and Newburyport's Clipper City Heritage Trail.
NPT Quarterly News, Summer 2020. In this issue: "If This House Could Talk" event in the spotlight; Making History Useful in the Present (essay); Restoring Your Historic House (book review); NPT consults on William Lloyd Garrison birthplace renovation; and a "last call" for "1690 House" staircase and wainscotting.
NPT Quarterly News, Spring 2020. In this issue: "Preservation" takes on new meaning as priorities shift to preserving public health, sanity, optimism, & unity; Preservation Week 2020 cancelled, but there's still plenty to do for old house enthusiasts; In a world shut down, NPT board ramps up; Take a hike for your historic house fix; Catch up on your reading --- Dive into the website ... or bury your nose in a book; and Georgian staircase needs a home in Newburyport.
NPT Quarterly News, Winter 2020. In this issue: NPT Annual Meeting notice; Preservation Week dates set for May 15-17, 2020; preservation advocacy at City Hall (a clarification of rationale & process); the beginnings of a publicly accessible archive for NPT's Historic House Plaque Program; and a report on Bricks 'n Brews, a lively and informative program on the history of bricks and brick-making.
NPT Quarterly News, Fall 2019. In this issue: A report on the 2019 Massachusetts Preservation Conference in Plymouth, Mass.; the Daily News of Newburyport features the first in a series of articles on NPT's historic house plaques; NPT makes new friends at Bartlet Mall Day; and Words Not Necessary --- photos of the "partial demolition" of a c. 1800 house within the city's National Register Historic District, supposedly protected by our pro-preservation zoning regulations.
NPT Quarterly News, Summer 2019. In this issue: "Small Houses --- Big History" draws hundreds to Preservation Week events; Preservation Awards recognize stewards & advocates; Historic House Plaque Program boosts NPT's public profile; and an article on a new approach to pro-preservation deed restrictions.
NPT Quarterly News, Spring 2019. In this issue: Preservation Week preview: "Small Houses --- Big History" May 17-19, 2019; NPT's youth initiatives aim to serve "Next Generation Preservationists"; Chris Walton Band headlines NPT fund-raising concert; and a report on the surprise "Valentine's Day Tagging" of historic houses by the Newburyport High School Class of 2021.
NPT Quarterly News, Winter 2019. In this issue: Newburyport youth have preservation on the radar; NPT Annual Meeting notice; Preservation Week dates set for May 17-19, 2019; Historic House Plaque Program gains momentum; alterations to High Street approved; Find a musket ball? Who do you call?; and Words not necessary: The landlord's flaking sign at the former Fowle's building on State Street.
NPT Quarterly News, Fall 2018. In this issue: Update on "Safe Routes to Schools" project on High Street; Member opinion: "Do we 'preservationists' have an image problem? Might we get better at articulating preservation?;" NPT's new Instagram page; and a new NPT Historic House Plaque at 6 Beck Street.
NPT Quarterly News, Summer 2018. In this issue: NPT 2018 Preservation Awards; 2018 Preservation Week recap; preview of the "If This House Could Talk" program; Plans for High Street alterations proceed without a Section 106 review; "It's business-as-usual at City Hall as lapses in procedure continue.;" and Words not necessary: Preservationists cry 'foul' at Fowle's."
NPT Quarterly News, Spring 2018. In this issue: Preservation Week preview of presentations & programs featuring Newburyport parks; update on collapsed building on Merrimac Street; house research workshop at the Newburyport Public Library; preview of the 2018 "If This House Could Talk" program; and a recap of NPT's winter preservation education programs.
NPT Quarterly News, Winter 2018. In this issue: Preservation awareness advances in 2017; program announcement for "1970s Revisited: Would You Buy This House?"; NPT Annual Meeting announcement; 2018 Preservation Week theme: Newburyport Parks: Past, Present, & Future"; and a program announcement for "Documenting Historic Structures: How the Pros Did It in the Historic American Buildings Survey."
NPT Quarterly News, Fall 2017. In this issue: City Council approves zoning changes to preserve integrity of historic neighborhoods; preservation restrictions placed on the "1690 House;" Zoning enforcement officer moves to full-time status; Book award for The HABS and the HABs NOTS; NPT board member R.W. Bacon invited to speak at the 2017 Architecture Boston Exposition; and a new NPT Historic House Plaque at 323 Merrimac Street.
NPT Quarterly News, Summer 2017. In this issue: Preservation Week recap; Preservation Award winners; NPT input on Newburyport's draft Master Plan; "If This House Could Talk" program expands to the North End; and "Oops! House history is more than deed records."
NPT Quarterly News, Summer 2017. In this issue: Preservation Week recap; Preservation Award winners; NPT input on Newburyport's draft Master Plan; "If This House Could Talk" program expands to the North End; and "Oops! House history is more than deed records."
NPT Quarterly News, Spring 2017. In this issue: Preservation Week preview: "Newburyport in the Historic American Buildings Survey;" NPT fund-raising event, "An Evening in Gaol;" announcement of the new book, The HABS and the HABs NOTS: Documenting the Architecture of Newburyport in the Historic American Buildings Survey by R.W. Bacon; and an update on the "1690 House" fiasco at 262-264 Merrimac Street.
NPT Quarterly News, Winter 2017. In this issue: NPT's response to the city's draft Master Plan "infill map" and other preservation topics; Preservation Week 2017 dates; invitation to the NPT Annual Meeting; announcement of NPT's Do It Ye Self event, "Cooking in Beehive Ovens"; a call for 2017 Preservation Award nominations; and NPT's nomination as a "Trailblazer" by the Essex National Heritage Area.
NPT Quarterly News, Fall 2016. In this issue: An article on a former Newburyporter's blog post lamenting the ravaging of historic homes that received national attention; NPT gift memberships; an update on NPT's Historic House Plaque Program; announcement of NPT's "Serving Up Storied Homes" fund-raising event; and a "Words Not Necessary" look at an "exploratory demolition of a 1752 Georgian home that filled a half-dozen dumpsters..
NPT Quarterly News, Summer 2016. In this issue: Preservation Week recap; Preservation Award winners; preview of "If This House Could Talk" Yankee Homecoming program; preservation advocacy update, including the"Frankenstein House" mitigation fee, the denial of variances for 114-118 Merrimac Street, and the developer's withdrawal of his application to demolish a small 1875 house on Howard Street; and a notice of publication for Bending the Future: 50 Ideas for the Next 50 Years of Historic Preservation in the United States.
NPT Quarterly News, Spring 2016. In this issue: Preservation Week preview: "Preserving the Architecture of Faith"; NPT consultation with developer results in preservation of the 1790 Capt. James Clarkson House at 48 Boardman Street; update on the "Frankenstein House" addition at 77 Lime Street; review of NPT "Do It Ye Self" program with lime mortar expert Fabio Bardini; and an editorial: City approval of 114-118 Merrimac Street project would reward speculation and encourage demolition-by-neglect.
NPT Quarterly News, Winter 2016. In this issue: NPT's preservation advocacy sparks cautious enthusiasm; preservation education takes center stage with NPT's "Do It Ye Self" sessions; big-time exposure for Newburyport home that sports an NPT historic house plaque; 1824 "house of squalor" demolished, as health department order takes precedence over new pro-preservation zoning laws; and a Preservation Week preview.
NPT Quarterly News, Summer/Fall 2015. In this issue: City Council zoning amendment redefines two-family and multi-family additions to address infill projects; NPT hits the streets at Yankee Homecoming; Powder House update; Historic House Plaque Program update; Condemned 1824 "house of squalor" on the fast track to demolition; and Words Not Necessary: Photo of a fake chimney built to blend into "olde quainte Newburyport."
NPT Quarterly News, Spring 2015. In this issue: Preservation Week recap: "Signs of the Times"; Preservation Award winners; P-Week house tours spotlight NPT's Historic House Plaque Program; incongruous addition at 77 Lime Street prompts the City Council to close loopholes in the city's zoning ordinance; and "It's Game Time": Find the missing c. 1800 chimneys in a "new-and-improved" alteration.
NPT Quarterly News, Winter 2015. In this issue: Demolition by Neglect: 114-118 Merrimac Street succumbs to the weight of snow ... and other forces; Preservation Week preview: "Signs of the Times"; NPT probes feasibility of more visible presence in a downtown office.
NPT Quarterly News, Fall 2014. In this issue: Powder House progress report: public events, school visits, HABS survey, & landscaping; NPT loses appeal on 59-61 Bromfield Street demolition; annual meeting notice; and continuing coverage of the Zoning Board hearing to demolish 114-118 Merrimac Street to build a two-family home.
NPT Quarterly News, Summer 2014. In this issue: NPT files formal appeal of the city's failure to prevent demolition at 59-61 Bromfield Street; preview of Zoning Board hearing to demolish 1846 former firehouse building at 114-118 Merrimac Street; Zoning Board hears first appeal under the new preservation zoning laws --- and allows demolition of 1875 house on Collins Street; and Words Not Necessary: 24 Collins Street approved for demolition.
NPT Quarterly News, Spring 2014. In this issue: Preservation zoning laws passed by Newburyport City Council; Preservation Week preview; Powder House HABS report on the way to the Library of Congress; NPT's new historic house plaque program; and Words Not Necessary: c. 1750 Ship Street house "going, going, almost gone" on the way to demolition.
NPT Quarterly News, Winter 2014. In this issue: Deteriorating downtown brickwork needs attention; Preservation Week preview; review of "From Animal House to Our House" program by visiting author Ron Tanner; and Words Not Necessary: Bromfield Street house built 1810 --- gutted 2013.
NPT Quarterly News, Fall 2013. In this issue: Restoration of 1822 Powder House receives national award from American Association for State & Local History; annual meeting preview; Historic American Building Survey (HABS) to begin at Powder House; and Words Not Necessary: R.I.P. to the 1823 James Carey House at 5 Strong Street.